Blue Sapphire (Neelam)

Benefits of Neelam :

Stone of friendship and love, attracts good influences.

Gives devotion, faith, imagination and peace of mind.

Increases/enhances intuition, mental clarity and spiritual power, all of which can assist in personal and spiritual growth. Physically, it can assist with healing on a cellular level, Blood disorders, eye issues and general stress. Also used as an aid to ease depression, anxiety and insomnia.


Benefits of Aventurine:

Aventurine is useful in relieving migraine and in soothing the eyes. Also be used bathing, irritations of the skin, for better night's sleep, relieves tension and shock.

Improves vitality, equalizes blood pressure, encourages creativity.

Gives independence, calmness and serenity.

Helps heal the heart lungs & adrenals. Emotional tranquility, good health and well-being.




Benefits of Ruby:

Ruby reduces disorders of the blood such as anemia, poor circulation, menstrual problems, and worries.

Improves one's confidence, intuition, spiritual wisdom, energy, and courage.

Use for rheumatism and arthritis. Improves liver, pain and spasms.

Cat's Eye

Benefits of Cat's Eye:

This gem reduces extreme tempers.

It increases concentration and learning ability. A cat's eye relieves stress and pain. It gives hope and a positive attitude towards life. It creates confidence and creativity.



Benefits of Labradorite:

Strength, Transformation, intuition Primary chakras: Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye Crown.

It can assist in digestion, regulation and metabolism. Also used to clarify eyes.

It deals with any type of addiction or to break unhealthy (physical, mental, etc.) habits.

Labradorite is also very protective against negative energies, balancing, strengthening and protecting the aura and sealing the aura from energy leaks.


Benefits of Emerald:

A bright green precious stone Improves intellect and memory.

It helps with tired eyes and insomnia and brings success in business. It opens up the heart to love, peace, and healing.




Benefits of Malachite:

It clears and activates all chakras, balancing and equalizing.

It protects against radiation and can be used in the treatment of swollen joints, tumors, growth, broken bones, and torn muscles.

Used in the treatment of asthma, toothache, improves eyesight, hope, health and happiness. It helps remove mental blockage hindering spiritual growth.



Benefits of Pearl:

Promotes antibodies and fights injection, calms the mind, promotes relaxation, and frees for tension, and anger.


Rock Crystal

Rock Crystal

Benefits of Rock Crystal:

It Stimulates mental clarity, emotional stability and to facilitate and focus meditative states and stimulates positive thoughts and feelings, and amplify psychic abilities.

It removes toxins from the body and to help treat disorders of the digestive system, kidneys and bladder.

It is also helpful in treating a number of other ailments including pituitary gland disorders and skin, circulatory system and respiratory system disorders. It is providing relief from pain.

Tiger's Eye

Benefits of Tiger's Eye:

It gives a feeling of self-confidence. It is especially good for clear thinking. Help one to see a problem objectively when confused or emotionally affected.

It releases tension and develops willpower. Good for asthma. Helps people gain insight into their own faults.

 Tiger's Eye



Benefits of Quartz:

maintains a high healing capacity. It attracts the power of light and energy, making it a powerful general healer.

Purifies air. Protects against harmful electrical vibrations.

It is used for meditate at a deeper level and to realize the higher consciousness.


Benefits of Coral:

It helps build finances, increases determination, courage, physical strength, vitality, and leadership qualities. It helps defeat mental depression

It works with the immune system, and can cure smallpox, fever, headache, jaundice, blood diseases, anemia, weakness, typhoid, allergies, cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, wounds, measles, piles, chickenpox, and problems, with bile.

Red coral used after three months of pregnancy may also be able to prevent miscarriages. Coral is good depression aid. Coral helps with digestion. Helps with the body to clear cholesterol from the circulatory system.


Cubic Zircon

Cubic Zircon

Benefits of Cubic Zircon:

Protection courage, energy, help with blood, relieve anemia, stop bleeding, heal rashes and wound. Calm, smooth, stop distress, help with love.


Benefits of Hessonite:

It helps bring prosperity and happiness.


 Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli

Benefits of Lapis Lazuli:

Protection against psychic attacks releases stress, bringing deep peace.

It boosts the immune system, purifies blood, lowers blood pressure, cooling and soothing areas of inflammation.

Benefits for respiratory and nervous systems and the throat, vocal chords, and thyroid, cleanses organs, bone marrow and thymus.


Rutile Quartz

Benefits of Rutile Quartz:

It can help reduce food disorders and increase the immune system.

It helps to regenerate tissue from fatigue, depression, and other illnesses, as well as the absorption of nutrients on a cell level, and will help with any sluggish residue by clearing it away.

It is closely associated with the solar plexus "power" chakra.

 Rutil Quartz

Achieve your goals & dreams.

Mindfulness can be described as the practice of paying attention in the present moment and doing it intentionally and with non-judgment. Mindfulness meditation practices refer to the deliberate acts of regulating attention through the observation of thoughts, emotions and body states.

Mindfulness is a practice with non-judgment. Over the last 30 years this practice has been thoroughly researched and successfully implemented in hospitals, businesses, education and the military.

What Mindfulness can do to us?

Reduced Stress: Improved ability to manage stress

 Increased Focus: Improved ability to pay attention, focus and concentrate

 Improved Emotional Regulation: Reduced impulsiveness, improved child behavior.

 Increased Emotional Intelligence: Improved conflict resolution skills

 Increased Empathy and Respect: Increased empathy and understanding of others

 Increased Resilience: Increased capacity to overcome challenges

 Improved Physical Well-being: Increased engagement in physical activity

 Improved Creativity & Collaboration: Improved expression of creative arts.


 Improved Physical Well-being: Increased engagement in physical activity

Improved Creativity & Collaboration: Improved expression of creative arts.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Neuro Linguistic Programming is a way of changing someone's thoughts and behaviors to help achieve desired outcomes for them.

It is started since 1970's. NLP cures phobias and anxiety disorders and improvement of workplace performance and happiness.

NLP uses behavioral and communication methods for people to change their actions and thoughts. NLP was developed by Richard Bandler and John Grinder who believed that it was possible to identify the pattern of thoughts and the behaviors of successful individuals & teach them to others.

Non Violent Communication (NVC).

With Non Violent Communication we learn to hear our own deeper needs and those of others. Doing this process NVC help us to discover the depth of compassion. This language reveals the awareness that all human beings are only trying to honor universal values and needs, every moment in our life.

NVC can be seen on both a spiritual practice that help us see our common humanity using our power in a way that honors everyone's needs and a concrete set of skills which help us create life-serving family members and communities.

NVC create path of healthy and reconciliation in its many applications ranging from intimate relationships, work settings, healthy cares, social services etc.

Body & Mind Balance

Healthy Daily Life

Meditation Practice

Finding Inner Peace

Expertise In.









Crystal Healing




Training & Qualification.


For learning meditation, proper training is required in our life. The meditation practice does not end itself. The meditation increases one's awareness, qualities, kindness, improve your relationship with others and positive influences in the world. Whenever the negative emotions arise try not to cause you harm blindly reacting to others. Meditation practice is same as a musician practices on different scales, same as the badminton player needs to practice badminton. Practice meditation skills makes human emotionally positive and includes initiative choice of wisdom and kindness.

Can one know your meditation is effective? The answer is very simple which is depending on your behavior outside meditation. You are the laboratory of self, keep some time from interruption. Find out the calm place, physically relax, posture comfortable, your eyes are closed, your attention is still, enquiry and receptivity, be aware of your feelings and watch what is going on in your mind.


1 stress-Free Life session

2 Mindfulness

3 Meditation

4 Yoga

5 Pranayama

6 Chakra Balancing

7 Crystal Healing

8 Free Consultancy-For clarity 30 minutes session with Prior appointment only.

9 Every week Mastermind webinar


Success Growth Mastery

Transform Your Life Forever

This course consists of 30 Days challenge. This will teach you how to take action for your goals.

This will teach you how to use Mindfulness in day-to-day life.

This course includes the powers and benefits of Meditation, Yoga, Healing, Stress-Management and Mindset, along with other important skills.

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"Delete Stress" Book

Why should you read the Delete Stress book? What do you like most in your life? How

Do you see your life as more successful, and happy? Do you feel there is a

lack of happiness in your life? Do you feel there is one core in your

heart that is not fulfilled? If your answer is yes then this book is for

you because it is your birthright to be happy forever. It is your

birthright to be celebrated, live every moment with joy, and become a

successful person. You can confidently get rid of your fear, sorrow,

pain, suffering, anxiety, worry, stress, and frustration.

Mindfulness is the foundation of meditation. Mindfulness does not

come naturally to us. Our mind either dwells on the past or chatters

stories about the future. One has to cultivate mindfulness consciously.

Regular practice of developing mindfulness is very important. The

main object of meditation is to develop kindness and

mindfulness. Meditation is helpful in cancer, depression, heart disease,

anxiety, worry, frustration, eating disorders, and high blood pressure.

Alternative medicine for the (US) National Institute which surveyed

data irritation different relaxation practices which gives the better

health. Lower Healthcare costs and higher quality of life show in

a stressful society while helping to preserve health in the process.

This book covers all issues related to human life with its causes

and finding the solution which is helpful to become free from the

suffering and problems like how stress is a harmful day-to-day life,

anger, stress management techniques, morality, and wheel of life, yoga,

pranayama, mindfulness meditation, mind power, brain activity and

consciousness, laws of healing. The main goal of the book is to show

the path of mindfulness-based stress management through practicing

oneself. This book offers a valuable guide to the intellectual and

practical work of interpretive discussion on various ways of managing

stress, anger, and mental illness. As Mr. Pasadikapromises in his

introduction, the book aims to “help educators practice the rewarding

art of mindfulness & yoga discussion to success and inner peace.”I

hope that this book will become a primer for beginner laypeople,

teachers, educators, and professional developers, helping motivators and

meditators across the country to learn, teach, and practice the art of

healing based on mindfulness techniques. This book is a good step in

that directions


What is healing?

Healing is profession that Heal scientific approach to medicine. Medicine is traditionally considered healing profession science and medicine has helped to empower physician to intervene activity for the disease

What are different types of healing?

• Reiki

• Pranic healing

• Crystal healing

What is Pranic healing?

Pranic healing is developed by Master Choa Kok Sui Filipino of Chinese descent. Pranic healing works across physical ailments as well as emotional mental and psychological elements. The practitioner's work on energy body of the person which is called Aura. Aura manifests as ailments in body. The basic two principles in pranic healing are cleansing and energy energizing of physical body.

What is Crystal healing?

Crystal healing is alternative medicine technique that uses precious and semi-precious and crystals stones such as amethyst, diamonds, Rubies, extra Pistols are used on the chakras and the horrors of the person and practitioner places. Crystals around the body with respect to construct Energy field which surrounds the healing energy to the person's body scientifically, it is considered as pseudo-science to concepts of Chakras being blocked the energy is blocked and with the help of Crystal the energy is released and Chakra are normalized.

What are Chakras?

Chakras are the points in our bodies into which the universal life force close. Body without that constant flow would become dormant and disintegrate, our body will die. The chakras entry point and exit point of our body for the cosmic live energy force as well as reserve wire off the power and points of the intelligent direction of the power. There are 7 Chakras in our body and in some literature it shows many more in-different studies. The 'Muladhara' is located at the base of our spine 'swadhisthana' is located in the spine little less than Midway between the base of spine and area opposite the navel. 'Manipur' is located in the spine at the point opposite to navels. 'Anahat' located in the spine in the midpoint of the sternum bone. 'Vishuddhi Chakra' is located in the spine opposite to the hollow of the throat. 'Ajna Chakra' is located in between the eyebrows.

What is Chakra balancing?

The chakras are vertices of high expansive energy most of the time blocked or active Chakras cause disease on physical emotional, mental and spiritual level when there is blockages in Chakras that particular Chakra with concern organs all part of the body gets disease and hence form disease energy. Therefore that Chakra is said as the imbalance chakra and when with the healing procedure the negative energy has to be removed from that Chakras and the positive energy is applied to that particular Chakra which is cleaning the energy E and energizing the energy which results the Chakra balance.

Is healing scientific?

The healing is arts and science because when one apply the healing with proper understanding and with proper technique. In pranic healing the knowledge and study of various modalities and traditional Sciences including yoga Chinese healing understanding matter deeply and design experiments for further validate his findings with pranic healing which is more popular in various countries and people are experimenting and their observation to validate their effects off the system the pranic healing II conducted throughout the globe. It is popular in medical doctors also department of pranic healing where letter put up in number of Hospitals including Apollo Hospitals in Chennai, Bangalore, Australia, California, Netherlands. Extra the pranic healing is, complementary therapy to medical treatment and not replacement as it deals with energy body and energy Centre rather than physical organs based on the principle of correspondence. The master observed that what affects energy body effects physical body and Vice Versa which is one of the reason why it works scientifically.

What is stress?

The stress can be shown as and external force acting on organism. There are changes in a psychological function due to external stimulus for interaction.

Is stress harmful to you?

Stress can be harmful if you are an introvert and cannot express your feelings, your emotions and thoughts to other people due to lack of confidence or you are shy or you have low self-esteem or you have low confidence.

Stress affecting in the office?

Stress is and inevitable part of life. If in job manufacturing unit or in office, the work power in the office may be long the distance between house and office is too long it may take more than 122 hours and more than 8 hours job a day lot of time goes in travelling so people get tired they don't get enough sleep, muscle pain, bow down patient on job and get depression so that affects the health of the person and get most of the time diseases, like high blood, pressure restlessness, ulcers backache this all are the symptoms of office stress.

Home mindfulness work on mental healing?

Mindfulness is involved the self awareness with body, speech, mind, emotions and thinking that we are aware of whatever we are thinking in every moment of our life, therefore when the people are aware of their thinking they think positively that leads to do the work which is more effective and let your thoughts what we think we become. Therefore there is a shift from negative thought pattern to optimistic and positive thought process which leads to mental healing.

What are benefits of a Mindfulness?

How mindfulness reflects in daily activities such as walking, talking or doing work, behaving with people he other ships and we are more effective more accurate.

Why we need awareness?

Mindfulness leaves too intelligent awareness ever changing condition we are aware of why we are doing the things the way we are doing it that our aspirations and dreams are our choices in movement which gives value to our life and the most important thing is that our values are aligned with our dreams and dreams gets leads to consequences and ultimately get desired result.

How much fuel is help on physical healing?

Mindfulness include total self-care with our physical, mental, emotional and psychological level. There are pleasant and unpleasant moment in our life in spite of this we take care of our Physical health. The importance of exercise and the food we are taking with full of supplement and we are taking utmost care of our health that leads to healing.

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